Changeset [6a2bc622ea7e1bbd492e39a88f254c8ed0480475] by Kosuke Tanabe
July 26th, 2009 @ 02:16 AM
added some spec files
Committed by Kosuke Tanabe
- M app/controllers/expressions_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/items_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/manifestations_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/patrons_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/users_controller.rb
- M app/controllers/works_controller.rb
- M app/models/aaws_response.rb
- M app/models/advertisement.rb
- M app/models/classification.rb
- M app/models/event.rb
- M app/models/expression.rb
- M app/models/item.rb
- M app/models/manifestation.rb
- M app/models/patron.rb
- M app/models/purchase_request.rb
- M app/models/question.rb
- M app/models/subject.rb
- M app/models/subscription.rb
- M app/models/user.rb
- M app/models/work.rb
- M app/views/manifestations/_library_facet.html.erb
- M app/views/manifestations/_subject_facet.html.erb
- M config/environment.rb.sample
- M db/migrate/005_create_manifestations.rb
- M lib/tasks/rspec.rake
- M solr/conf/schema.xml
- M spec/controllers/classifications_controller_spec.rb
- M spec/controllers/expressions_controller_spec.rb
- M spec/controllers/works_controller_spec.rb
- M spec/fixtures/classifications.yml
- M spec/fixtures/expressions.yml
- M spec/fixtures/works.yml
- M spec/helpers/classifications_helper_spec.rb
- M spec/helpers/expressions_helper_spec.rb
- M spec/helpers/works_helper_spec.rb
- M spec/models/classification_spec.rb
- M spec/models/expression_spec.rb
- M spec/models/work_spec.rb
- M spec/rcov.opts
- M spec/spec.opts
- M spec/spec_helper.rb
- M vendor/plugins/enju_porta/lib/enju_porta.rb
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integrated library system developed in Japan